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Autonomous Vehicle Engineering
Autonomous Vehicle Engineering (B.Eng.)

Course Structure:

Semester 1 Modules:

Foundations of Engineering Sciences

programming 1

Foundations of Computer Science


Semester 2 Modules:

Electronics, Signals and Measurement

programming 2

Algorithms and Data Structures


mathematics 2

Semester 3 Modules:

General Elective Subject

digital signal processing

modelling and simulation

Vehicle Dynamics

Model-based SW engineering

Semester 4 Modules:

Scientific seminar

control engineering

Vehicle Electronics and Vehicle Communication Networks

Foundations of Machine Learning

SW development processes

Semester 5 Modules:


Business Management


Semester 6 Modules:

Vehicle-to-X communication


Sensor data processing and sensor data fusion

Planning and Decision Making Algorithms

Vehicle actuators

Semester 7 Modules:

Scientific Elective Subject 1

Scientific Elective Subject 2

Scientific Elective Subject 3

Bachelor's thesis

thesis seminar

Perspectives & Job Prospects

Automated driving will fundamentally change the value chain in Germany over the next few years. A study by Intel Corporation and Strategy Analytics shows that the economic opportunities for companies in the field of autonomous driving and especially in the transport sector will increase rapidly. Another statement by the authors of the study is that "not unlike the spaceflight of the 1960s, autonomous driving is a call to the world to attract the best minds to this challenge." In addition to the engineering side, there is a great need for experts from the field of classic IT, especially in the field of software methodology. Expert recognize the greatest need for computer scientists in the areas of networking, data management and artificial intelligence. The German automotive suppliers will act as innovation drivers. They also contribute a not inconsiderable share of there search and development expenditure of the local automotive industry. There is agreement in the industry that autonomous driving and the associated changes in other economic sectors also require numerous excellently qualified workers who can be found in Germany but also on the international markets.


Language Knowledge Required:

Sufficient knowledge of the English language at level B2(e.g., proven by TOEFL or similar)


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